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v 水生植物光合氧代謝的測定 v 抑制劑對線粒體電子傳遞的影響 v 光依賴性葉綠體電子輸運分析 v 溫度對水生動物攝氧量的影響 v 酶動力學耗氧研究 |
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“I have tested my new Qubit system with isolated oyster mitochondria, and was extremely pleased with the results. I can’t believe I was suffering for the whole year with my old chamber. I have tried three different systems based on Clarke-type electrodes including this one, and this is by far the most convenient for use with small sample volumes and gives a very clean, repeatable trace with the best signal to noise ratio I ever had with micro-chambers.”
From Dr. Inna Sokolova, Assistant Professor, Biology Department, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
——北卡羅來納大學生物系助理教授 Dr. Inna Sokolova
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