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1C~137C,1F~137F ASTM 溫度計




ASTM 溫度計1C~137C

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ASTM 溫度計



ASTM Thermometers

ASTM No. Application Range Div/td> Length Immersion
1C Partial Immersion -20 to 150oC 1o 322mm 76mm
1F Partial Immersion 0 to 302oF 2o 322mm 76mm
2C Partial Immersion -5 to 300oC 1o 390mm 76mm
2F Partial 20 to 580oF 2o 390mm 76mm
3C Partial -5 to 400oC 1o 415mm 76mm
3F Partial Immersion 20 to 760oF 2o 415mm 76mm
4C Acid Heat -1 to 105oC 0.5o 375mm 152mm
4F Acid Heat 30 to 220oF 1o 375mm 152mm
5C Cloud & Pour, High -38 to 50oC 1o 230mm 108mm
5F Cloud & Pour, High -36 to 120oF 2o 230mm 108mm
6C Cloud & Pour, Low -80 to 20oC 1o 230mm 76mm
6F Cloud & Pour, Low -112 to 70oF 2o 230mm 76mm
7C Distillation, Low -2 to 300oC 1o 385mm total
7F Distillation, Low 30 to 580oF 2o 385mm total
8C Distillation, High -2 to 400oC 1o 385mm total
8F Distillation, High 30 to 760oF 2o 385mm total
9C Pensky-Martens, Low -5 to 110oC 0.5o 290mm 57mm
9F Pensky-Martens, Low 20 to 230oF 1o 290mm 57mm
10C Pensky-Martens, High 90 to 370oC 2o 290mm 57mm
10F Pensky-Martens, High 200 to 700oF 5o 290mm 57mm
11C Open Flash -6 to 400oC 2o 310mm 25mm
11F Open Flash 20 to 760oF 5o 310mm 25mm
12C Gravity (Density) -20 to 102oC 0.2o 420mm total
12F Gravity (Density) -5 to 215oF 0.5o 420mm total
13C Loss on Heat 155 to 170oC 0.5o 155mm total
14C Paraffin Wax Melt Point 38 to 82oC 0.1o 375mm 79mm
14F Paraffin Wax Melt Point 100 to 180oF 0.2o 375mm 79mm
15C SoFtening Point, Low -2 to 80oC 0.2o 397mm total
15F SoFtening Point, Low 30 to 180oF 0.5o 397mm total
16C SoFtening Point, High 30 to 200oC 0.5o 397mm total
16F SoFtening Point, High 85 to 392oF 1o 397mm total
17C Viscosity Saybolt 19 to 27oC 0.1o 275mm total
17F Viscosity Saybolt 66 to 80oF 0.2o 275mm total
18C Say Vis & Reid Vapor 34 to 42oC 0.1o 275mm total
18F Say Vis & Reid Vapor 94 to 108oF 0.2o 275mm total
19C Viscosity Saybolt 49 to 57oC 0.1o 275mm total
19F Viscosity Saybolt 120 to 134oF 0.2o 275mm total
20C Viscosity Saybolt 57 to 65oC 0.1o 275mm total
20F Viscosity Saybolt 134 to 148vF 0.2o 275mm total
21C Viscosity Saybolt 79 to 87oC 0.1o 275mm total
21F Viscosity Saybolt 174 to 188oF 0.2o 275mm total
22C Say Vis & Oxy Stab. 95 to 103oC 0.1o 275mm total
22F Say Vis & Oxy Stab. 204 to 218oF 0.2o 275mm total
23C Viscosity Engler 18 to 28oC 0.2o 212mm 90mm
24C Viscosity Engler 39 to 54oC 0.2o 237mm 90mm
25C Viscosity Engler 95 to 105oC 0.2o 212mm 90mm
26C Stab Test Sol Nit Cell 130 to 140oC 0.1o 463mm total
27C Turpentine Dist. 147 to 182oC 0.5o 301mm 76mm
28C Kinematic viscosity @ 37.8C 36.6 to 39.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
28F Kinematic viscosity @ 100F 97.5 to 102.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
29C Kinematic viscosity @ 54.4C 52.6 to 55.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
29F Kinematic viscosity @ 130F 127.5 to 132.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
30F Kinematic viscosity @ 210F 207.5 to 212.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
31F Reid Vapor -30 to 120oF 1o 305mm total
33C Aniline Point -38 to 42oC 0.2o 420mm 50mm
33F Aniline Point -36.5 to 107.5oF 0.5o 420mm 50mm
34C Aniline Point 25 to 105oC 0.2o 420mm 50mm
34F Aniline Point 77 to 221oF 0.5o 420mm 50mm
35C Aniline Point 90 to 170oC 0.2o 420mm 50mm
35F Aniline Point 194 to 338oF 0.5o 420mm 50mm
36C Titer Test -2 to 68oC 0.2o 405mm 45mm
37C Solvents Distillation -2 to 52oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
38C Solvents Distillation 24 to 78oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
39C Solvents Distillation 48 to 102oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
40C Solvents Distillation 72 to 126oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
41C Solvents Distillation 98 to 152oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
42C Solvents Distillation 95 to 255oC 0.5o 395mm 100mm
43C Kinematic Viscosity -51.6 to -34oC 0.1o 417mm total
43F Kinematic Viscosity -61 to -29oF 0.2o 417mm total
44C Kinematic viscosity @ 20C 18.5 to 21.5oC 0.05o 305mm total
44F Kinematic viscosity @ 68F 66.5 to 71.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
45C Kinematic viscosity @ 25oC 23.6 to 26.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
45F Kinematic viscosity @ 77oF 74.5 to 79.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
46C Kinematic viscosity @ 50oC 48.6 to 51.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
46F Kinematic viscosity @ 122oF 119.5 to 124.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
47C Kinematic viscosity @ 60oC 58.6 to 61.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
47F Kinematic viscosity @ 140oF 137.5 to 142.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
48C Kinematic viscosity @ 82.2oC 80.6 to 83.4oC 0.05 305mm total
48F Kinematic viscosity @ 180oF 177.5 to 182.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
49C Stormer Viscosity 20 to 70oC 0.2 o 305mm 65mm
50F Gas Calorimeter inlet 54 to 101oF 0.1o 468mm total
51F Gas Calorimeter outlet 69 to 116oF 0.1o 468mm total
52C Butad. Boiling point -10 to 5oC 0.1o 162mm total
53C Benzene Freezing Pt -0.6 to 10.4oC 0.1o 189mm total
54C Congealing Point 20 to 100.6oC 0.2o 310mm total
54F Congealing Point 68 to 213oF 0.5o 310mm total
56C Bomb Calorimeter 19 to 35oC 0.02o 585mm total
56F Bomb Calorimeter 66 to 95oF 0.05o 585mm total
57C Flash Tag Closed Low -20 to 50oC 0.5o 290mm 57mm
57F Flash Tag Closed Low -4 to 122oF 1o 290mm 57mm
58C Tank, Refill, Low -34 to 49oC 0.5o 300mm total
58F Tank, Refill, Low -30 to 120oF 1o 300mm total
59C Tank, Refill, Medium -18 to 82oC 0.5o 300mm total
59F Tank, Refill, Medium 0 to 180oF 1o 300mm total
60C Tank, Refill, High 77 to 260oC 1o 300mm total
60F Tank, Refill, High 170 to 500oF 2o 300mm total
61C Petrolatum Melt Pt 32 to 127oC 0.2o 380mm 79mm
61F Petrolatum Melt Pt 90 to 260oF 0.5o 380mm 79mm
62C Reference Standard -38 to 2oC 0.1o 379mm total
62F Reference Standard -36 to 35oF 0.2o 379mm total
63C Reference Standard -8 to 32oC 0.1o 379mm total
63F Reference Standard 18 to 89oF 0.2o 379mm total
64C Reference Standard 25 to 55oC 0.1o 379mm total
64F Reference Standard 77 to 131oF 0.2o 379mm total
65C Reference Standard 50 to 80oC 0.1o 379mm total
65F Reference Standard 122 to 176oF 0.2o 379mm total
66C Reference Standard 75 to 105oC 0.1o 379mm total
66F Reference Standard 167 to 221oF 0.2o 379mm total
67C Reference Standard 95 to 155oC 0.2o 379mm total
67F Reference Standard 203 to 311oF 0.5o 379mm total
68C Reference Standard 145 to 205oC 0.2o 379mm total
68F Reference Standard 293 to 401oF 0.5o 379mm total
69C Reference Standard 195 to 305oC 0.5o 379mm total
69F Reference Standard 383 to 581oF 1.0o 379mm total
70C Reference Standard 295 to 405oC 0.5o 379mm total
70F Reference Standard 563 to 761oF 1.0o 379mm total
71C Oil in Wax -37 to 21oC 0.5o 355mm 76mm
71F Oil in Wax -35 to 70oF 1o 355mm 76mm
72C Kinematic viscosity @ -17.8oC -19.4 to -16.6oC 0.05o 305mm total
72F Kinematic viscosity @ 0oF -2.5 to +2.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
73C Kinematic viscosity @ -40oC -41.4 to -38.6oC 0.05o 305mm total
73F Kinematic viscosity @ -40oF -42.5 to -37.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
74C Kinematic viscosity @ -53.9oC -55.4 to -52.6oC 0.05o 305mm total
74F Kinematic viscosity @ -65oF -67.5 to -62.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
75F Coolant Freezing Pt -35 to 35oF 0.5o 408mm 100mm
76F Coolant Freezing Pt -65 to +5oF 0.5o 408mm 100mm
77F Viscosity Saybolt 245 to 265oF 0.5o 275mm total
78F Viscosity Saybolt 295 to 315oF 0.5o 275mm total
79F Viscosity Saybolt 345 to 365oF 0.5o 275mm total
80F Viscosity Saybolt 395 to 415oF 0.5o 275mm total
81F Viscosity, Saybolt 445 to 465oF 0.5o 275mm total
82C Fuel Rating, Engine -15 to 105oC 1o 165mm 30mm
82F Fuel Rating, Engine 0 to 220oF 2o 165mm 30mm
83C Fuel Rating, Air 15 to 70oC 1o 174mm 40mm
83F Fuel Rating, Air 60 to 160oF 1o 174mm 40mm
84C Fuel Rating, Orifice 25 to 80oC 1o 387mm 249mm
84F Fuel Rating, Orifice 75 to 175oF 1o 387mm 249mm
85C Fuel Rating, Surge 40 to 150oC 1o 314mm 181mm
85F Fuel Rating, Surge 100 to 300oF 2o 314mm 181mm
86C Fuel Rating, Mix 95 to 175oC 1o 170mm 35mm
86F Fuel Rating, Mix 200 to 350oF 2o 170mm 35mm
87C Fuel Rating, Coolant 150 to 205oC 1o 175mm 40mm
87F Fuel Rating, Coolant 300 to 400oF 1o 175mm 40mm
88C Vegetable Oil Flash 10 to 200oC 1o 287mm 57mm
88F Vegetable Oil Flash 50 to 392oF 2o 287mm 57mm
89C Solidification Point -20 to +10oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
90C Solidification Point 0 to 30oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
91C Solidification Point 20 to 50oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
92C Solidification Point 40 to 70oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
93C Solidification Point 60 to 90oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
94C Solidification Point 80 to 110oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
95C Solidification Point 100 to 130oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
96C Solidification Point 120 to 150oC 0.1o 370mm 76mm
97C Tank, Refill -18 to 49oC 0.5o 300mm total
97F Tank, Refill 0 to 120oF 1o 300mm total
98C Tank, Refill 16 to 82oC 0.5o 300mm total
98F Tank, Refill 60 to 180oF 1o 300mm total
99C Weathering Test -50 to +5oC 0.2o 305mm 35mm
99F Weathering Test -58 to 41oF 0.5o 305mm 35mm
100C Solidification Point 145 to 205oC 0.2o 370mm 76mm
101C Solidification Point 195 to 305oC 0.5o 370mm 76mm
102C Solvents Distillation 123 to 177oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
103C Solvents Distillation 148 to 202oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
104C Solvents Distillation 173 to 227oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
105C Solvents Distillation 198 to 252oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
106C Solvents Distillation 223 to 277oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
107C Solvents Distillation 248 to 302oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
108F Saybolt viscosity 270 to 290oF 0.5o 275mm total
109F Saybolt viscosity 320 to 340oF 0.5o 275mm total
110C Kinematic viscosity @ 135oC 133.6 to 136.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
110F Kinematic viscosity @ 275oF 272.5 to 277.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
111C Tar Acid Distillation 170 to 250oC 0.2o 395mm 100mm
112C Solidification Benzene 4 to 6oC 0.02o 215mm total
113C Bituminous Materials SoFtening Point -1 to 175oC 0.5o 406mm total
113F Bituminous Materials SoFtening Point 30 to 350oF 1o 406mm total
114C Aviation Fuel Freezing Point -80 to 20oC 0.5o 300mm total
114F Aviation Fuel Freezing Point -112 to 70oF 1.0o 300mm total
115C Beckman Differential 0 to 6oC 0.01o 610mm stem
116C Bomb Calorimeter 18.9 to 25.1oC 0.01o 609mm total
117C Bomb Calorimeter 23.9 to 30.1oC 0.01o 609mm total
118C Kinematic viscosity @ 30oC 28.6 to 31.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
118F Kinematic viscosity @ 86oF 83.5 to 88.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
119C Coolant Freezing Point -38.3 to -30oC 0.05o 305mm total
119F Coolant Freezing Point -37 to -22oF 0.1o 305mm total
120C Kinematic viscosity @ 40oC 38.6 to 41.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
121C Kinematic viscosity @ 100oC 98.6 to 101.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
122C Brookfield Viscosity -45 to -35oC 0.1o 300mm total
123C Brookfield Viscosity -35 to -25oC 0.1o 300mm total
124C Brookfield Viscosity -25 to -15oC 0.1o 300mm total
125C Brookfield Viscosity -15 to -5oC 0.1o 300mm total
126C Kinematic viscosity @ -26.1oC -27.4 to -24.6oC 0.05o 305mm total
126F Kinematic viscosity @ -15oF -17.5 to -12.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
127C Kinematic viscosity @ -20oC -21.4 to -18.6oC 0.05o 305mm total
128C Kinematic viscosity @ 0oC -1.4 to +1.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
128F Kinematic viscosity @ 32oF 29.5 to 34.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
129C Kinematic viscosity @ 93.3oC 91.6 to 94.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
129F Kinematic viscosity @ 200oF 197.5 to 202.5oF 0.1o 305mm total
130C Tank Gauging, Refill -7 to 110oC 0.5o 305mm total
130F Tank Gauging, Refill 20 to 220oF 1o 305mm total
132C Kinematic viscosity @ 150oC 148.6 to 151.4oC 0.05o 305mm total
133C Bending Beam Rheometer -38 to +2oC 0.1o 379mm 76mm
134C Sludge 144 to 156oC 0.2o 270mm 100mm
135C Fuel Rating Air-High 38 to 93oC 1oC 168mm 40mm
135F Fuel Rating Air-High 100 to 200oF 1oF 168mm 40mm
136C Aviation Fuel Density -20 to 60oC 0.2oC 285mm total
136F Aviation Fuel Density -5 to 140oF 0.5oF 285mm total
137C Oxidation Cell Test 80 to 100oC 0.1 250mm 76+A1:G209mm







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